Quotes on the topic of


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"While God is who He is in His self-revelation, that divine revelation is God Himself, for it is not just something of Himself tht God reveals to us but His very own Self, His own ultimate Being as God. ...What God is toward us in Jesus Christ and in the Holy Spirit He is in Himself in His own eternal Being as God. That is to say, any disjunction between God and His self-revelation through Christ and in the Spirit could only mean that in the last analysis the gospel is empty of any divine reality or validity. What God reveals of Himself and what He is in Himself are one and the same ­ hence the insistence by patristic theology that Jesus Christ the incarnate Son and the Holy Spirit are each of one and the same being with God the Father. That is the epistemological as well as the soteriological significance of the homoousion." (Thomas F. Torrance, Reality and Evangelical Theology. Westminster Press. 1981. pg. 14).

"God Himself is the real content of His revelation. What He reveals of Himself and His actual self-revealing are one and the same. These are complementary, the Being of God in His Act and the Act of God in His Being." (Thomas F. Torrance, Reality and Evangelical Theology. Westminster Press. 1981. pg. 15).


