© 1999 James A. Fowler

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I. Defining death.

    A. Two Greek words for "death" in New Testament.
         1. Thanatos - General word for "death." Get English "thanatology"- study of death.
         2. Nekros - Refers to dead body, corpse. Get English "necrology" (obituary) and
            "necromancy" (communication with corpses).
    B. Concepts of death.
         1. Annihilation, non-existence
         2. Termination, cessation
         3. Alienation, separation - Eph. 4:18
         4. Absence of life, deprivation of vital function
    C. "Body apart from spirit is dead" - James 2:26
    D. "Sleep" - a euphemism for death. John 11:11-13; Acts 7:60; I Thess. 4:15; I Cor. 15:6,18.
            Greek word koimeterion is base of English word "cemetery."

II. Types of death.

    A. Spiritual death - Gen. 2:17; I Cor. 15:22; Rom. 5:12,21; Eph. 2:1,5
         1. Power of death - Heb. 2:14
    B. Behavioral death - Rom. 7:5; I Tim. 5:6; Heb. 6:1; 9:14; James 1:15
    C. Physical death - Gen. 5:5; Heb. 9:27
    D. Everlasting death - John 8:21,24; Rev. 2:11; 21:8

III. Introduction of death into created order.

    A. Consequence of sin - Gen. 2:17; Rom. 6:23
         1. What types of death implied?
         2. Apart from sin would man have "lived forever" (Gen. 3:34)? What kinds of life implied?
         3. Death is natural and universal in fallen mankind - Ps. 90:10; Eccl. 3:1,2; Heb. 9:27.
         4. Was there death prior to man's sin in plant and animal kingdoms? Entropy, degeneration,
             "Second Law of Thermodynamics"
    B. Man's natural fear of death - Heb. 2:15; Rom. 8:15; Ps. 23:4
    C. Power of God to deliver one to death - Deut. 32:39; I Cor. 11:30
    D. Abode of the dead
         1. Pre-Christian view
             a. Sheol - Isa. 5:14; Hab. 2:15
             b. Pit - Ps. 28:1; 88:4,6; Prov. 1:12; Isa. 14:15; Ezek. 31:14
             c. Silence - Ps. 94:17; 115:17
             d. Darkness - Job 10:21; Ps. 143:3
             e. Destruction - Job 26:6; Ps. 88:11; Prov. 15:11
             f. Hades - Greek god of underworld
         2. New Testament view.
             a. References to Hades - Lk 16:19-31; Acts 2:27,31; Rev. 1:18; 6:8; 20:13
             b. Heaven - II Cor. 5:2; Col. 1:5; I Peter 1:4
             c. Hell - Matt. 10:28; James 3:6; II Peter 2:4

IV. Work of Jesus Christ to counteract death.

    A. By His death He took the death consequences of sin upon Himself.
         1. Overcame one having power of death - Heb. 2:14
         2. Death no longer master - Rom. 6:9
         3. Death has lost its sting - I Cor. 15:55,56
         4. Death swallowed up in victory - I Cor. 15:54
         5. Death is abolished - II Tim. 1:10; I Cor. 15:26
    B. By Christ's death the Christian is made dead
         1. To "old man" - Rom. 6:6
         2. To sin - Rom. 6:11
         3. To Law - Rom. 7:4,6; Gal. 2:19
         4. To world - Gal. 6:14
         5. To "flesh" - Gal. 5:24; Col. 3:5; Rom. 8:13
    C. Christ's life made available to Christian.
         1. Passed from death to life - John 5:24,25; I John 3:14
         2. Christ is our life - John 14:6; Col. 3:4; I John 5:11,12
         3. Eternal life - John 3:16,36
         4. Immortality - I Tim. 1:17; 6:16; II Tim. 1:10

V. Christian expectations after physical death.

    A. Continuity
         1. Spiritual life of Christ - John 11:25; I Thess 4:14
         2. Individuality, personality in soul - James 5:20
         3. Embodiment - Rom. 8:23
             a. Not naked "disembodied spirits" - II Cor. 5:3
             b. Not homeless - II Cor. 5:1,2; II Pet. 1:14
             c. Like Christ - I John 3:2; Phil. 3:21
    B. Discontinuity
         1. Change of body in resurrection.
             a. fleshly/glorified - I Cor. 15:39,43
             b. earthly/heavenly - I Cor. 15:40
             c. perishable/imperishable - I Cor. 15:42,53,54
             d. dishonor/glory - I Cor. 15:43
             e. weakness/power - I Cor. 15:43
             f. natural/spiritual - I Cor. 15:44,46
             g. mortal/immortal - I Cor. 15:53,54
             h. corruption/incorruption - Rom. 8:21
             i. temporal/eternal - II Cor. 4:18; 5:1
          2. Change of environment or realm.
             a. earth/heaven - I Cor. 15:48; Rev. 21:1
             b. absent from body, present with Lord - II Cor. 5:8; Phil. 1:23
    C. Transition
         1. "Graduation to glory"
         2. Stepping through the door into new place.
         3. Scottish tombstone: "Ta Ta The Noo" - (Good-bye for Now)

VI. Other issues associated with physical death.

    A. Death penalty, capital punishment - Lev. 24:17; Deut. 35:31
    B. Euthanasia - "good-death" - changing meaning of term.
    C. Near-death, out-of-body experiences, whether euphoric or foreboding.
    D. Disposal of physical body. Burial or cremation? Disintegration, decomposition, oxidization,
         corruption. Eccl. 12:7
    E. Mourning, grief - Eccl. 3:4; I Thess. 4:13. Not despair - II Cor. 4:8



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