1999 James A. Fowler
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I. The divine character of giving.
A. God is love - I Jn. 4:8,16
B. God is a giving God - John 3:16; Rom.
8:32; James 1:17
C. God is righteous - Ps. 116:5
D. God comes to dwell in us by the presence
of the Spirit of His Son, Jesus Christ, and desires to
function in accord
with His character through us.
1. Loveless
giving is not Christian giving - I Cor. 13:3
2. Christian
giving expresses God's righteousness - II Cor. 9:9,10
II. The grace of God in Christian giving.
A. Grace is God's activity through
Jesus Christ which expresses His character
B. Christian giving is God's activity
of grace - II Cor. 8:1
1. We are
but trustees and stewards of God's possessions
2. Giving
is not a "work" that is meritorious before God.
3. Giving
does not "buy" indulgence before God.
4. Christian
giving is not just altruistic benevolence.
III. The will of God in Christian giving.
A. The will of God is the life of
Jesus Christ lived out in His people.
B. Christian giving is part of the will
of God - II Cor. 8:5
1. We are
to "listen under" God in prayerful obedience in order
to determine how, what, when,
much and to whom God desires to give through us.
2. Christian
giving is not guilt-motivated giving.
3. Christian
giving is not need-motivated giving.
IV. The means of Christian giving.
A. We give of the "means"
of what God has entrusted to us.
1. "as
God has prospered us" - I Cor. 16:2
2. "according
to what a man has" - II Cor. 8:11,12
B. Christian giving is not giving "beyond
our means."
1. Presuming
on God's grace.
2. Pledges
of future assets - James 4:13-15
3. Giving
V. The overflow of Christian giving.
A. We give as the overflow of God's
1. "riches
of His grace in Christ Jesus" - Eph. 2:7; 3:8
2. "all
blessings in heavenly places - Eph. 1:3
3. "all
things belong to you" - I Cor. 3:21-23
4. "abundance
of joy" - II Cor. 8:2
5. "abound
in everything" - II Cor. 8:7
B. Christian giving is not just giving
from overflow of physical assets
1. Our
natural covetousness cannot recognize "enough" or "too
VI. The pre-requisite of Christian giving.
A. The first giving is the giving
of ourselves to the Lord - II Cor. 8:5
B. God is not interested in your gifts
until He has you.
VII. The choice of Christian giving.
A. Christians are choosing creatures
with freedom of choice.
B. Christian giving is a choice.
1. "gave
of their own accord" - II Cor. 8:3
2. "purposed
in their heart" - II Cor. 9:7
C. Christian giving is not manipulated
1. Organizational
2. Psychological
3. Social
approval - Matt. 6:2-4
4. Legalistic
"not under compulsion" - II Cor. 9:7
5. Mandated
ten percent tithe
6. Repay
VIII. The follow-through of Christian giving.
A. God is faithful to complete
what He has begun - Heb. 10:23
B. We must follow-through when
we have been prompted by God
1. "finish
doing it" - II Cor. 8:10,11
2. "not
able to finish" - Lk. 14:27-33
3. procrastination
of covetousness and greed
4. when
prompted by emotional impulse, emotions are fickle
IX. The attitude of Christian giving.
A. We were created as vessels for
the expression of God's character.
B. We are satisfied and fulfilled when
we allow such to take place.
1. "a cheerful
giver" - II Cor. 9:7
2. Greek word
hilaros = satisfied
C. Satisfaction not in amount given -
Mk. 12:41-44
X. The privilege of Christian giving.
A. Christian giving is privilege of
being vessels of God's grace
1. "begging
for the favor" - II Cor. 8:4
B. Christian giving is not just for a
tax write-off with the I.R.S.
XI. The ministry of Christian giving.
A. In Christian giving we are used
of God to minister unto others
1. "ministry
to the saints" - II Cor. 8:4; 9:1
2. ministry
of all believers - Eph. 4:12
B. Beware of so-called "ministries"
begging for your money.
XII. The equalizing-factor in Christian giving.
A. Christian giving is part of the
process of God's provision for everyone.
B. God's provision to some can flow toward
the needs of others
1. "that
there may be equality" - II Cor. 8:13,14
XIII. The return of Christian giving.
A. Christian giving involves a spiritual
1. "Father
will repay you" - Matt. 6:4
2. "Give,
and it will be given to you" - Lk. 6:38
3. "he
who sows bountifully, will reap bountifully" - II Cor. 9:6
4. The
"return" on Christian giving is the greater appreciation
of the fullness of blessing we
in Jesus Christ, and the joy of being vessels through whom God
is working and
His intent.
B. The idea of "return" is
often perverted
1. Give
in order to get.
2. "Seed-faith"
3. Prosperity
doctrine; health and wealth
4. Deceitfulness
of riches - Mk. 14:8; I Tim. 6:9-11
XIV. The supply of Christian giving.
A. God supplies all for Christian
giving. - II Cor. 9:8,10
B. The amount of the gift is not the
XV. The purpose of Christian giving.
A. God's glory is the purpose for
Christian giving.
1. "do
all for the glory of God" - I Cor. 10:31
2. "for
the glory of the Lord" - II Cor. 9:13
3. God
is glorified only when His all-glorious character is being expressed
within His
B. Christian giving is not for the glory
of man.
1. Bronze
memorial plaques
2. Recognition,
prestige, leadership positions
XVI. The integrity of Christian giving.
A. Those handling Christian gifts
are to exhibit character of God
1. "honorable
in sight of Lord and in sight of men" - II Cor. 8:20,21
2. Avoid
any suspicion of misuse or misappropriation
B. There has been much fraudulent mishandling
of religious funds.