The Theological Soldier

©1999 by James A. Fowler. All rights reserved.

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The illustrator of these parodies is Aaron Eskridge.
For contact and information about Aaron: Illustrator's Page


Text below picture

The bald-headed,
bespectacled theologian
Sits in his cluttered cubicle
of narrow thought,
Anguishing in labor pains
as he tries to give birth
To a new Scriptural connotation,
as yet untaught.

There musing
over the monumental mass
Of theological trivia
and religious misinformation,
He fervently concludes
that God intends him
To combat this pseudo-theology
with derogative exhortation.

Then thoughtlessly stumbling
to the window
Of his cubicle of supposed
sound doctrinal action,
He triumphantly thrusts out
his theological musket
To open fire on what must surely
be a satanic faction.

Standing firm
as a dedicated Christian soldier,
He fires each round
and apologetically defends
What he considers
the true word of God,
Hoping through such tactical warfare
to make amends.


Having thoroughly bombarded
all opponents
With his barrage
of theological prate,
He scurries to his padded chair
to say with Paul to Timothy,
"I have fought the good fight;
I have kept the faith."


This being the preoccupation
of many self-made theologians,
Where is the broad-minded person,
possibly labeled a religious "dove,"
Who with Christian ardor will say,
"In essentials unity,
In non-essentials liberty,
In all things LOVE."